Organisations I support

Painting reference photo by Christopher Swann

Captain Paul Watson Foundation 

It is a terrifying moment for the future of whales, and this fearless charity plays a pivotal role in their protection. Using direct-action campaigns at sea of aggressive non-violence and intervention, they defend whales and other sea life. Paul Watson was arrested in July by Danish police in Greenland, with an international arrest warrant issued by Japan for anti-whaling campaigns in the Antarctic over a decade ago. Paul faces the possibility of extradition to Japan and the rest of his life in prison. His much-delayed hearing is 13.11.24.

*Update: Paul was released in December (2024), thanks to the huge international response at his unjust detainment.

Painting reference photo by Kari, Love At First Sight Animal Sanctuary

Love At First Sight Animal Sanctuary

This incredible non-profit in Washington is an oasis for rescued animals. My painting features their precious Gerald, saved at six days old after being discarded by the dairy industry. Shortly afterwards, they also liberated another calf, Gracie, and the two now share their peaceful days with countless other protected friends. Follow them here:

Painting reference photo by Peter Neumanna


Shortly after Norwegian authorities euthanised ‘Freya’ the walrus for existing in October 2022, I learnt that a mother polar bear ‘Frost’ and her cub were in danger of the same fate (Frost update). Arild Olsen (local leader of Longyearbyen, Svalbard at that time) believed they should be killed for coming close to cabins, utterly failing to address the commonly reported truth that this was due to hunters leaving reindeer parts by these cabins. NOAH works tirelessly against all exploitation of animals. As the most prominent NGO for animals in Norway, it also cooperates widely with animal rights organisations elsewhere:

Painting reference photo by Siri Alice Krohn

Dyrebeskyttelsen Norge, Vestfold

Animal Protection Norway is a vital nationwide animal welfare organisation, working relentlessly to protect highly vulnerable animals and find them loving homes. The Vestfold branch greatly needs more foster homes/volunteers - if you can offer local assistance, contact Main site:

Painting reference photo by Łukasz Rawa


Bird Lawyers is a non-profit organisation that rescues and rehabilitates birds in Norway. They are a brilliant example of the difference a team of dedicated, big-hearted humans can make. Follow their inspiring work via Instagram: @fugleadvokatene.

Painting reference photo by Birger Strahl

National Park Rescue

This organisation is saving African national parks on the brink of collapse. They use direct-action operations to shut down corruption and reconnect the surrounding communities. Despite only around 20,000 lions left in the wild, enough habitat remains to recover these numbers. See their brave mission here: