Frost the polar bear and her cubs - yes, plural (updated 1/9/23)

What happened to them?

The shameful Lars Fause (governor of Svalbard) did not attempt to safeguard them, opting instead for quiet killings. Norwegian authorities killed Frost, the polar bear, and her cub on Svalbard over Easter (7.4.23). Given killing an innocent walrus (nicknamed Freya) received much negative international attention for Norway in the recent past, I suspect that is why Frost was absent from mainstream news. Authorities stated they tranquillised Frost before she drowned.

Alternative eyewitness reports surfaced stating authorities and locals chased them on snowmobiles and fired many gunshots until they were dead. There are claims they shot her cub as he tried to protect his mother. The little reporting available is inconsistent and murky at best. Members of the public called for autopsies to no avail - one might ask why their bodies were unavailable for this. These killings were allowed despite hundreds of thousands of signatures petitioning that Frost and her cub be left alone (given they had killed four of her previous cubs). Frost starred in the Our Planet Netflix series (2019), narrated by Sir David Attenborough, and even this didn't protect her.

Justice blocked

On 14.8.23, The Special Unit for Investigations in Norway shut down NOAH in their attempt to investigate these events as wildlife crimes.

Confirmed polar bear killings by Svalbard authorities:

2023: Mother Frost and her cub Frosty
2022: cub Ice
2020: cub Snow
2015: cub Lucky
2014: cub Light

I protested these unjust killings outside Stortinget (Oslo parliament). By complete happenstance, a passerby who used to work within these offices on this exact matter further confirmed the killings of all cubs listed above and highlighted the demand for bear skins as another issue layered within these dark events.

What can help now?

Firstly, contact the current minister in charge within the Oslo parliament Espen Barth Eide - Whether you live in Norway or not is irrelevant. These actions need to be deemed crimes against wildlife with vulnerable species status. His contact details are as follows: phone: +47 22 24 57 01 – email:

Suggestions of what to include:
A) Insist on overdue wildlife safeguarding measures.
B) Detail how unacceptable it is that Lars Fause and his office (responsible for the killings) supposedly investigated themselves.
C) Request an unbiased individual body to investigate these events.